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Industry Insights

Industry articles and updated about the benefits of off-site modular construction

Industry Insights

Construction Labor Shortage Has Direct Impact on Buyers

The construction industry is already feeling the results of the lack of labor in the field. The inability to staff construction jobs, the increased wages that have to be paid to attract workers, and reduced or missing skills set that the workers hired actually possess.

The only thing scarier than change is regret
Industry Insights

The Twenty Year Regret

Using modular construction is a choice. Modular construction means you get the chance now to build a beautiful home that ensures outstanding levels of energy savings, comfort, health, and durability.

Industry Insights

Constructuring: The Future of Home Building?

Custom homes are one-off creations. Home buyers, architects, and even traditional home builders have (incorrectly) thought that building homes using modular construction limited their design. That may

modular home building genius brain illustration
Industry Insights

Modular = Genius

Modern modular construction makes use of the modular approach when it comes to building new custom homes.

fact blocks of modular homes
Industry Insights

Fact or Fake: The Truth About Today’s Modular Construction

The Internet and savvy home buyers are putting the helping put the fake information about modular construction to rest. The facts are coming out and modern modular construction is positioned to the new way home are built in the United States!